If you’ve been charged with drug possession with intent to distribute (or deliver) in Philadelphia, then you’re facing significant legal penalties. If you’re convicted, those legal penalties will likely disrupt your personal life, too.
A criminal defense attorney serving Philadelphia can guide you through the legal process. With a lawyer’s help, you may secure a case outcome that minimizes harm to you and your loved ones.
What Is Possession with Intent to Distribute (or Deliver)?
Pennsylvania General Assembly’s “The Controlled Substances, Drugs, Device, and Cosmetic Act” provides the legal definitions that make up drug possession with intent to deliver. The act defines:
- Controlled substance: A controlled substance is generally an illegal drug but may also include a compound used to manufacture a controlled substance—an ingredient used to manufacture methamphetamine, for example.
- Delivery: Delivery of a controlled substance generally means transferring an illegal drug from one party to another. This transfer generally also involves the exchange of value—some form of money, typically.
- Distributor: A distributor is someone who does not produce the controlled substance but distributes the substance—whether that means selling the substance, exchanging it for non-monetary items or services, or simply giving the substance away at no cost.
Therefore, possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute or deliver means that you may be accused of possessing an illegal drug with intent to sell it to someone else.
Which Drugs Can I Be Sentenced for Possessing?
Pennsylvania categorizes illegal drugs by Schedules, with Schedule 1 generally being most serious and Schedule 5 being least serious. Penalties that you face for possessing (and allegedly distributing) each type of drug may vary based on its Schedule classification.
Examples of drugs in each schedule are:
- Schedule 1: Marijuana, synthetic drugs, heroin, MDMA, Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
- Schedule 2: Methamphetamine, cocaine, oxycodone
- Schedule 3: Vicodin, ketamine
- Schedule 4: Valium, Xanax, Klonopin
- Schedule 5: Codeine-based cough suppressants
While these Schedules are supposed to be based on the potential medical use, potential for abuse, and other factors, you must just know that a drug’s Schedule can affect the severity of legal penalties.
While every drug case in Philadelphia is serious, those involving Schedule 1, 2, and 3 drugs are especially serious.
For a free legal consultation, call 215.515.3360
Possible Legal Penalties for Drug Possession with Intent to Distribute
The state of Pennsylvania takes the charge of drug possession with intent to distribute very seriously. You may face a felony for many cases involving drug possession with intent to distribute, carrying penalties of:
- Up to 15 years in prison (per charge)
- $250,000 in fines (per charge)
If the state decides to handle your case without leniency, then a conviction can deprive you of freedom and cause great financial harm. Even after you do your time and fulfill obligations that the court imposes, a felony conviction may:
- Make it far more difficult to obtain quality employment and housing
- Limit your earning capacity
- Affect you negatively in custody battles
- Cause stigma that affects various aspects of your life
- Limit your overall quality of life
You want to avoid these consequences. Hiring an attorney may be the first step in achieving the best possible outcome for your case.
I’ve Been Charged with a Drug Crime in Philadelphia. Who Should I Turn To?
Whether you’re facing charges or think you might face charges soon, it is worth hiring a criminal defense attorney. An attorney from our firm will work hard to craft an effective defense. Depending on the facts of your case, your lawyer’s goal may be to dismiss the charges or secure the most favorable plea deal possible.
Your attorney will handle every aspect of your defense, including:
- Reviewing what evidence the prosecution possesses
- Seeking new evidence, including exculpatory evidence that shows you are not guilty of alleged offenses
- Interviewing witnesses
- Crafting a legal defense
- Protecting your rights
- Negotiating a plea bargain, if it is appropriate in your case
- Defending you at trial, if your case proceeds to trial
You should seek a lawyer with experience handling drug-related cases in Philadelphia.
Possible Defenses to the Drug-Related Allegations Against You
Your attorney will use a defense that they believe is most appropriate for your case. Potential defenses include:
- That you possessed drugs for personal use, not to distribute to others
- That the search and seizure that uncovered drugs was unlawful
- That the drugs in question were not yours
There may be other reasonable defenses. A criminal defense lawyer will review your case and explain what defense best applies.
Call the Law Offices of M.J. Snyder, LLC Today to Discuss Your Case in Philadelphia
Time is critical when crafting a criminal defense. The Law Offices of M.J. Snyder, LLC fights for favorable outcomes in every case, and has handled many drug-related cases. Our team is ready to lead your case.
Call the Law Offices of M.J. Snyder, LLC today for a free consultation. Don’t wait, as we want to begin forming your defense as soon as possible.