Criminal offenses related to sexual conduct carry a special stigma in our society. In fact, often people are accused and then convicted in the court of public opinion before they even see a judge in the criminal justice system.
Allegations of sex crimes can have a negative impact on your life and your reputation –a conviction could result in a lifetime requirement that you register as a sex offender.
Being a registered sex offender means that there are restrictions on where you can live and work, and also that your name, picture, and information about your offense are available in a publicly searchable database.
For these reasons, it is critical to begin a defense against accusations of criminal sexual misconduct from the moment that such allegations have been reported to a family member, a school, or police. Retaining an attorney when you become aware that you are the target or suspect in an investigation can ensure that your rights are protected and that the public message regarding your case is not controlled by people who have a vested interest in making sure you are convicted.
At The Law Offices of M.J. Snyder, LLC we are qualified to represent people accused of a variety of sex crimes, including the following:
- Sexual assault
- Indecent Assault
- Statutory Sexual Assault
- Sexual misconduct
- Rape
- Statutory Rape
Child Pornography
How can an Attorney Help?
Sex crimes often involve complicated issues regarding consent and the intent of the person accused of the offense. In many cases, the issue of whether a particular offense occurred comes down to the word of one party against another, as these types of offenses often occur in private and may not involve any direct physical evidence.
There are often many defenses available in a sex crime case, and sometimes, the early intervention of an attorney can prevent a case from being pursued at all. Some of the more commonly raised defenses in sex crime cases include the following:
- Impeaching the credibility of the alleged victim
- Preserving evidence like phone records, social media posts, and text messages
- Establishing that a condition existed that made it impossible for the offense to have been committed
- Presenting evidence that is contrary to the alleged victim’s version of events
- Pointing out mistakes made in any forensic investigation that took place
- Suppressing evidence that was gathered illegally
It is important to understand that it can be very difficult to tell if any defenses apply in your case without having significant legal training. For this reason, do not simply assume that your best course of action is to simply plead guilty and take whatever deal the prosecutor has offered – always have an experienced lawyer review your case.
For a free legal consultation, call 215.515.3360
Contact The Law Offices of M.J. Snyder, LLC to Schedule a Free Consultation with a Skilled Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been accused of a sex offense or any other type of crime, schedule a free consultation with Marni Jo Snyder at The Law Offices of M.J. Snyder, LLC. The faster you act, the quicker we can work to secure a positive verdict. Call today at 215-515-3360.